Sunday 13 January 2019

10 briefs initial ideas

At this point as most of us are working on our COP project so we didn't think about this too much, however, I have some basic idea about what I want to do on my 10 briefs.
In these 10 briefs, we need to do at least 1 competition brief, 1 live brief, 1 internal collaborative brief, 1 external collaborative brief and 1 research brief.

  1. Animal Welfare brief (External Collaborative brief)- Working with my Korean friend who studies at University of Leeds
  2. Japanese restaurant in H.K, menu design, etc. (Live brief)- Working for a client in H.K
  3. 2020 Tokyo Olympic celebration (Internal Collaborative brief)- Working with someone who is doing Fine art.
  4. YCN competition brief (Competition brief)
  5. Japanese Comic and animation research brief (Research brief)- For example, the background history of Japanese comic, how does it transform to those nowadays, etc......
  6. Rebrand-Extended brief based on COP3 (Live brief)
  7. Japanese Heisei period anime celebration (Live brief)
  8. Japan University research Brief (Research Brief)
  9. Branding design for a photographer from Hong Kong (Live brief)
  10. Japanese Sakura Festival Vol.3 brands design (Live brief)

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