Monday 14 January 2019

Initial ideas

I tried to design/modify the logo by typography because it is really straightforward, which people can see easily. We decided our organization's name be "Abandoned Animal Rescue". We tried with a typeface that we have never used before which was called "Optima". The reason that we choose that was because it is a Sans-serif typeface which looks more trustful in the campaign. It looks pretty similar to Helvetica, while, Optima has a strong contrast on the thickness of strokes which is the point that attracted us. It looks simple and clean but because of the contrast of the thickness of strokes, it makes the characters become more interesting and attractive.

Afterward, we have to consider the colour that represents our organization. It was a difficult discussion because we wanted to choose a colour that is peaceful but also looks special so that people can recognize it easily. Throughout the process, we came out with a mint blue which fits to what we wanted. We were really happy with the result. The bottom right was the colour we have chosen.(It looks slightly different in here but works well on the physical outcomes).
 I looked at "The Body Shop" logo as an inspiration, so I tried to create our logo similar to it which looks simple. Worked through with the colour we have chosen, it looks really nice, I showed this logo during the crit and people really like it but they suggested that I could separate more between both circle. The colour work really well with this typeface, they are really matched together.

When we got our first version of the logo, we started to make some posters really quick otherwise we wouldn't have enough time to finish it. They were not yet finished but they were the general ideas that what we wanted the posters like.

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