Saturday 12 January 2019

Statement intent

Since I decided this is one of my collaborative projects was because I think animal abandonment is a really serious and many people known already, however, there is still lack of campaign to tell the general public about the problem so I want to work with someone who also is a "Pet Lover". I believe they will have more interesting ideas over this project.

I decided to work with one of my Korean friend who is currently studying Graphic and communication design at the University of Leeds, her name is Yeju Choi. Moreover, as we are studying the same course but at a different university but we can learn from each other in more ways by this point because every university has its own teaching system.

I am thinking because there is a lack of campaign/advertising to educate the general public no matter physically or digitally. Therefore, we want to create something physically and also digitally to tell and educate people about this problem. It is true that digital media is a really good platform to introduce or show the campaign to the general public. Everyone has their smartphone and computer and I am sure they use social network systems such as Facebook, Instagram or snapchat, etc everyday at least one time. Hence, if we can show them our campaign through these systems, many people are able to see it.

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